No matter where you are in your journey,

We’re here to help.

solutions for everybody

We provide coaching focused on fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, and more—tailored specifically towards service industry workers.


Our group coaching program is a great opportunity to connect and collaborate with other like minded individuals in the industry who are looking to enhance their physical, mental, financial, and spiritual health. Join us in a 6 week course (offered remote and in person) as we walk you through our TIPS program, designed to give you the tools and tips to help you live your best life behind, and BEYOND THE BAR!

Individual coaching

 Whether we care to admit it or not, we all have thoughts, beliefs, habits and patterns that can get in the way of us living our best life. Sometimes what we need is an outside, unbiased professional to shine light on these obstacles, and give us the tools and TIPS to turn them into opportunities. No matter what obstacle you’re facing, or what goal you want to achieve, when it comes to solving problems-two heads are better than one! Work one on one with one of our team members to help you learn how you can become the best YOU that you can be while working in this industry.


In an industry that is predicated on prioritizing the needs of the customer before our own, it can often leave employees and employers alike feel as if they are pouring from an empty cup. Let us help motivate, educate, and unite your team towards the common goal of leveling up their lives, to better the lives and experiences of everyone they come in contact with!

how can we help?


Sometimes in order to fix a problem, we need to better understand it. With a combined 15 years of experience in the restaurant industry coupled with 10+ years in the health and wellness field, we understand the many problems that plague our industry. Most importantly, we’ve learned how to solve them. We will take the time to observe your staff, ask questions, administer surveys, and then collect and interpret the data to provide you with a detailed analysis and assessment to find out THEIR needs and build a program that works with your restaurant

Let’s get to work.